I was invited to do this festival at the beginning of August 2019 as a volunteer draftswoman.
I came back happy with this experience, so I wanted to take the time to talk to you about it and share my artistic volunteer work with you.

To sum up, Les Choralies is a choir festival that takes place in Vaison-La-Romaine for about ten days. During this period, the city welcomes more than 5,000 festival-goers/volunteers who came to sing, share and experience this event, which is organized every 3 years.
Vaison-La-Romaine Vaison-La-Romaine Vaison-La-Romaine
The days start with workshops (classes with chefs from all over the world), continue with afternoon concerts and end with a concert at the Roman theatre.

My role as a volunteer is to draw/paint workshops and concerts on the spot. It took me a day to understand/know the organization of the festival and to be able to speak and even interpret this new subject of painting: choirs.
The festival has 6 places where the activities take place: the Village, the ancient theatre, the Cathedral, the Saint-Quenin Chapel, the Gymnasium, the Théâtre du Nymphe, the Church of the Upper Town.
The Village the Saint-Quenin Chapel the Cathedral The Village
For the workshops, I found myself immersed in groups of several dozen people, singing and moving to the rhythm of their songs, while being amazed by this new human melody. My first paintings, shy were not very successful.
Example of a workshop bty Example of a workshop
I had an appointment in the evening with Sophie and Frédérique so that we could share our creations of the day. On the 2nd and 3rd days, I left for Vaison La Romaine, painting and papers on my back, pocket under my arm.

Optimization of equipment, good time management, selection of workshops and crazy concerts, meals rich in sharing with more and more numerous and spontaneous painting ideas. A joy at once artistic, by dedicating these 3 days full-time for this exercise (bite the conductors and choirs, seize the movement, represent people of all ages, concentrated and animated by songs of all styles).
I loved taming this unique festival, to the rhythm of day and night. To paint his soul, rich in the sharing between all the festival-goers.

You can discover a selection of concerts and paintings below:
Cacimbo, Watercolour, A5 format Tuesday, August 6, Chapelle Saint-Quenin, Cacimbo, Direction Laetitia Casabianca Tuesday, August 6, Roman Theatre, Chet Nuneta, Watercolour, A5 format Tuesday, August 6, Roman Theatre, Chet Nuneta, Watercolour, A5 format Les Voix du cœur, watercolour, A5 format Les Voix du cœur, watercolour, A5 format Les Voix du cœur, watercolour, A5 format Wednesday, August 7, Chapelle Saint-Quenin, Les Voix du cœur, Direction Rabii Merouane Wednesday, August 7, Chapelle Saint-Quenin, Les Voix du cœur, Direction Rabii Merouane The Song on the Lowé, watercolour, A5 format The Song on the Lowé, watercolour, A5 format Wednesday, August 7, Chapelle Saint-Quenin, Le Chant sur la Lowé, Direction Yveline and Sophie Damas The Song on the Lowé, watercolour, A5 format
Wednesday, August 7, Roman Theatre, Human by La Compagnie, Direction Panda Van Proosdij and Tom Johnson
Concert Human, watercolour, A5 format
Thursday, August 8, Cathedral, Eurochoir, Direction Yuval Weinberg
Fine felt and watercolour drawing, A5 format Fine felt and watercolour drawing, A5 format Fine felt and watercolour drawing, A5 format
Thursday, August 8, Théâtre du Nymphée, Gospel, Direction Bassey Ebong

Thursday, August 8, Nymphaeum Theatre, Traditional Music of South Africa, conducted by Michael Barrett
Watercolour, A5 format FineWatercolour, A5 format felt and watercolour drawing, A5 format Nymphaeum Theatre, Traditional Music of South Africa
Each department manager and his volunteers work 24 hours a day to make this festival work. I loved life at the campsite, mutual support, respect and conversations were a daily routine that we would like to see again once the Choralies were over.
Find more content on the festival’s Facebook page, their Instagram account and the website, before participating in the 24th edition in 2022.
And discover my other paintings made during these few days on my Instagram account and my Facebook page Noémie Labrosse Artist painter